Monday, January 12, 2009

Christ Ahnsahnghong Remember the Sabbath Dayby Keeping It Holy!

Christ Ahnsahnghong Remember the Sabbath Dayby Keeping It Holy!

I was born a Christian. Every Sunday, I went to church for service and recited the Ten Commandments. I’ve never thought that the Lord’s Day[Sunday] is not the Sabbath.

Ahnsahnghong The Passover

Ahnsahnghong The Passover, Through Which We Can Escape Disasters
Climate change, earthquake, typhoon, famine . . . The global village is suffering from big and small disasters which are occurring continuously.Nobody is free from disasters. These kinds of disasters can befall us at any time.Has God turned away from us?How can we be saved from disasters?



A farmer said, “A man in his sixties is young here.” The farming villages are very seriously aging. That’s why the Church of God nationwide volunteers to help farmers.

Paradigm of Heresy

Paradigm of Heresy

Galileo Galilei, Joan of Arc, Jesus, Apostle Paul . . .What do these people have in common?They were branded as heretics by the religious power of their times, and were imprisoned or put to death.Still now, religious powers of this time define heresy with their own standards.

God the Mother

God the Mother

God the Creator put the “secret of life” in the principle of nature.All the living creatures are given life by their fathers and mothers.In the same way, our spiritual life is given by God the Father and God the Mother.